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Monday, September 7, 2020

Robert Reich's The System

 I have been reading Dr. Robert Reich's latest book, The System: Who Rigged It, How to Fix It. It is an excellent book that looks at how the American middle class got to be shafted by the 1%. The logic and cogentness of the book is impeccable. 

I hope to write some articles based on material I've gotten from the book. 

Also, I have found out a lot of information that I did not know. For instance, Dr. Reich goes into detail talking about the individual, Sandy Weill, who played a major part in the ending of the Glass-Steagall Act, which put a partition between what banks traditionally have done (i.e., lending), and what they have come to do (i.e., be involved in risky investments).

Indeed, many parts of the book, to me, have been a revelation. 


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