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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Fires in the West

 I just read an excellent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times. It was titled, "With global warming, expect inferno seasons in the American West," and it was dated September 12th, 2020.

It does a great job of presenting clearly and simply what is involved in climate change. Some lines that stands out:

--"More than 3.1 million acres have burned in California this year--some 3% of the state--with many wildfires still at zero containment and months of fire season left to go. This far exceeds the previous record set in 2018, when 1.7 million acres burned, including the town of Paradise."

--"The planet is currently 1.0 C to 1.2 C (about 2 F) hotter than it ought to be. This excess heat is entirely due to humans, mainly from burning fossil fuels and destroying forests. These activities release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which blocks some of the infrared heat photons that otherwise would radiate away into space."

I recommend the article.


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