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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Coronavirus, Yes, Again

Society is enmeshed with the coronavirus, and rightly so. What appeared to be a health issue for China and maybe a minor difficulty for the U.S. has been a slowly-building tsunami.

And to stop American society, American business society that is, is unheard of. I could never have imagined it. And I'm surely not the only one.

It has the president meeting his biggest foe yet. And the surprising thing is the president can only use his wiles against it to a minor extent. Whereas with humans he can call them names--Crazy Joe Biden, Low Energy Jeb, Wild Bill [Clinton], Lyin' Hillary, Lyin' Ted, Highly Conflicted Bob Mueller, Fat Jerry [Nadler], Cheatin' Obama, Crazy Nancy, Little Marco [Rubio], Basically Braindead Bernie [Sanders], Shifty [Adam] Schiff, Head Clown Chuck Shumer, Pocohontas [Elizabeth Warrent], Crazy Maxine Waters--but with the coronavirus, the virus doesn't care.


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