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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Whole New World

I guess one could say the coronavirus pandemic has made our world "A Whole New World," but generally not in a better sense. Yet, I do think a number of unexpected things will come from this crisis, such as--and this may the biggest benefit--bringing us a new president. And possibly, an unexpected health crisis may have been one of the few ways this outcome could have come to pass.

One other thing I think that will come from this crisis is that many people will see the greed that resides within American capitalism. This may have already seeped into public consciousness. In fact, I just read a number of stories that talks about cruise lines, Dollar General, and other industries and businesses that have put profit over people.

But hasn't that always been the case with most American for-profit businesses. The maximization of profit, by definition, takes precedence over people.


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