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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Taking a Page From America's Playbook

I just read an excellent article, "Why Israeli plan to deport Africans is facing growing Jewish opposition," in the Christian Science Monitor. The article, dated February 2nd, says the leader of the country, Benjamin Netanyahu, believes that nearly 40,000 Africans who fled their countries and came to Israel, are "illegal labor infiltrators."

But there are many in Israel who believe their past,of being refugees themselves, encourages them to always be for the refugee or stranger. But the plan is still scheduled to go into effect this April. Yet, as the article says, "Resistance...has come from pilots refusing to fly planes used in the deportations and from authors, playwrights, lawyers, doctors, and Holocaust survivors. All are united in their call to the government to see these people as refugees in need of shelter today, just as Jews have been in past generations."

I will attempt to report back on this story in the future.


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