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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Pessimism Run Amuck

I just read an interesting article on the ProPublica website titled, "How Political Pessimism Helps Doom Tougher Gun Laws." The piece makes the common-sense point that is often overlooked, that doing nothing on an issue will generally result in little headway. In fact, it can sometimes paralyze those who want change, yet don't realize how close it may be.

The author, Alec MacGillis, makes a number of good points. The one I will try to keep in mind is that the NRA's power is diminishing, albeit slowly. And on the opposite side--those who want substantial change in gun laws--is slowly being empowered.

That's not good for the NRA. One might say, there will be no prying of guns from cold, dead hands, but nonetheless, the NRA appears to be on the wrong side of this equation.


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