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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Value in Acknowledging Adolescents' Perspectives

A recent study in the journal Child Development found some interesting things. The gist of the study showed that when parents acknowledge the viewpoints of their adolescent children and encourage them to express themselves, "the youths have a stronger sense of self-worth, intrinsic motivation, and engagement, and also have less depression."

This applies across cultures. This study did delve into other issues related to agency and control, but I found this main finding to be noteworthy. This is something I've believed in and practiced, so it is good to see more backing for it.

Journal Reference: 

Kristine N. Marbell-Pierre, Wendy S. Grolnick, Andrew L. Stewart, Jacquelyn N. Raftery-Helmer. Parental Autonomy Support in Two Cultures: The Moderating Effects of Adolescents' Self-Construals. Child Development, 2017; 10.1111/cdev. 12947 


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