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Friday, October 6, 2017

On Not Leaving Las Vegas

The recent rampage by a shooter in Las Vegas is in the news. The shooter killed almost 60 people and wounded over 500.

The incident brings up the familiar topic of gun control vs. gun rights. I lean heavily toward the former. Probably the main reason has to do with the gun violence in other countries. The question arises, Why does the U.S. have such a wild, over-the-top number of gun deaths compared to other high-income countries? To me, it has to relate mainly to the U.S. having over 300 million firearms.

I know, the N.R.A. sees it differently. Yet, the leaders of the N.R.A. have a vested interest in keeping their members happy and staying on the good side of firearms manufacturers. It relates to money.

As of 2010 data, Kayne B. Robinson, the executive director of general operations, made just over $1 million. Wayne Lapierre, chief of the N.R.A., made $970, 000. And Chris Cox, executive director of lobbying, made just over $660,000.

Wow! I hope these people can make ends meet.


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