Blog Archive

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Words, Again

I just felt like putting down more definitions. I'm always amazed how many words there are in English.

--Tokotoko n. In New Zealand, a ceremonial carved Maori walking stick.

--Tokophobia n. An abnormal fear of giving birth or becoming pregnant.

--Felix Culpa n. An error or disaster that has good consequences.

--Dovecote n. A settled group, especially one of a quiet, conservative nature.

--Jedburgh justice n. Punishment before trial.

--Rosolio n. A cordial flavored with rose petals, cloves, or the like, popular in S. Europe.

--Sommelier n. A waiter who is in charge of wines.

--Salad days n. A period of youth and inexperience.

--Wabi-Sabi n. A Japanese idea that finds beauty in things that are simple, imperfect, and impermanent. 


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