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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

More Nice Phrases

Here are some more cool writing that I've come across. I am obsessed with copying down any phrase or sentence I like the sound of. 

--"from passivity to participation"

--"psychic paralysis"

--"visions of social justice"

--"A distracted and self-focused citizenry" 

--"America's cynicism has grown more insidious" 

--"to weave a labored web of useless ingenuity" (T.S. Eliot)

--"in a state of near-perpetual surprise"

--"at about the speed of creeping crab grass" (John Aldridge)

--"its august leadership, its diverse membership"

--"an emanation of your own prejudices and self-interests"

--"dullness and diffidence"

--"a breezy, Madison Avenue glibness"

--"still putting cuteness before communication"

--"give themselves permission to sound at ease"

--"need to burned into every writer's brain"


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