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Monday, May 9, 2022

Who Knew?

I'm just taking some interesting facts from a book about interesting facts. The name of the book is Who Knew? Things You Didn't Know About Things You Know Well, by David Hoffman.

Here are some of them.

--Most American currency contains microprinted messages to prevent counterfeiting. On the one-dollar bill, there is an owl in the upper left-hand corner of the "1" and a spider hidden at the upper right.

--Despite its 216-minute running time, Lawrence of Arabia has no women in speaking roles.

--The ostrich cannot fly, but it can outrun a racehorse.

--Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.

--In most TV commercials and print advertisements, the hands on a watch are set at 10:10 because that arrangement draws attention to the logo and frames the manufacturer's name.

--Barbie's last name is Roberts.

--The fifty-two playing cars in a typical deck represent the fifty-two weeks in a year; the four suits, the four seasons.

--On the average, we forget 80 percent of what we learn on any given day.


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