Blog Archive

Monday, May 16, 2022

More Words to Learn

Here are more words and definitions. I can't seem to ever learn enough words.

1. plutomania n. An excessive pursuit of wealth.

2. mitzvah n. A good act done out of religious duty.

3. titanism n. A spirit of rebelliousness.

4. djellaba n. (jah-LAH-bah) A kind of loose cloak with a hood, worn by men especially in North Africa and the Middle East.

5. zeppole n. A sort of Italian doughnut. 

6. Midas-eared adj. Having poor judgment.

7. anacampersote n. A plant thought to restore lost love.

8. donkey's years n. A very long time.

9. hypnagogic adj. Causing one to sleep.

10. missish adj. (MIS-ish) Prudish.



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