Blog Archive

Thursday, May 26, 2022


It looks like finally Donald Trump is getting his comeuppance. In Georgia recently, big-name GOP politicians were not afraid to stand up to him.

This is good news. These glad tidings have taken awhile to come to fruition, but it is a highly pleasing feeling to me to see truth and justice win out.

Those who have ridden the coattails of this Liar-in-Chief will no doubt start balking and saying we have it all wrong.

I think we had it all right.


Monday, May 16, 2022

More Words to Learn

Here are more words and definitions. I can't seem to ever learn enough words.

1. plutomania n. An excessive pursuit of wealth.

2. mitzvah n. A good act done out of religious duty.

3. titanism n. A spirit of rebelliousness.

4. djellaba n. (jah-LAH-bah) A kind of loose cloak with a hood, worn by men especially in North Africa and the Middle East.

5. zeppole n. A sort of Italian doughnut. 

6. Midas-eared adj. Having poor judgment.

7. anacampersote n. A plant thought to restore lost love.

8. donkey's years n. A very long time.

9. hypnagogic adj. Causing one to sleep.

10. missish adj. (MIS-ish) Prudish.



Monday, May 9, 2022

Who Knew?

I'm just taking some interesting facts from a book about interesting facts. The name of the book is Who Knew? Things You Didn't Know About Things You Know Well, by David Hoffman.

Here are some of them.

--Most American currency contains microprinted messages to prevent counterfeiting. On the one-dollar bill, there is an owl in the upper left-hand corner of the "1" and a spider hidden at the upper right.

--Despite its 216-minute running time, Lawrence of Arabia has no women in speaking roles.

--The ostrich cannot fly, but it can outrun a racehorse.

--Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.

--In most TV commercials and print advertisements, the hands on a watch are set at 10:10 because that arrangement draws attention to the logo and frames the manufacturer's name.

--Barbie's last name is Roberts.

--The fifty-two playing cars in a typical deck represent the fifty-two weeks in a year; the four suits, the four seasons.

--On the average, we forget 80 percent of what we learn on any given day.


Monday, May 2, 2022

Sundry Thoughts

That's what I've been thinking--sundry thoughts. And wondering where the world is heading. Anytime one is "wondering where the world is headed," it probably means you are getting older.

That's not the typical thing one is concerned with when young. Being young has other concerns.
