Blog Archive

Monday, August 10, 2020

Wealth Inequality

 It seems as of late I've become fascinated/obsessed with learning more about wealth inequality in the United States. It's a topic that I always see somewhere in the news (though rarely at "the top" of the news), yet, it seems, the average person on the street rarely talks about it. 

I remember speaking years ago to a neighbor about this topic. Somehow we were talking about people who have much wealth and he said something like, "Well, you know, we just have to give the rich people their money so society can work smoothly." I think I half-heartedly agreed because I didn't know how to respond.

As I thought about his statement one question kept coming up--Why? I think it is tied to the notion of "trickle-down economics." The idea of trickle-down economics may sound good in theory but there is no evidence that "it works."

I will talk more about this topic in future posts. I really have to, so as to make sense of it.


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