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Monday, August 17, 2020

Depression and Social Connection

 I just read about a recent study that again marked the importance of social connection as the strongest protective factor for depression. The study was in The American Journal of Psychiatry. It does seem that more and more studies affirm this.

Though, going by my own experience and my take on the average person, many people read about and "hear" these studies, but few respond in a visceral manner. By "visceral manner," I mean, few of us realize that the information can be put to good use in our own lives. Using myself as an example, I have heard numerous times how social connection mitigates depression. And it seems like it has been a slow realization for me that "it may be true."

Maybe when we see information we're not ready to take in, we put it in a category called, "Interesting, I'll Have to Keep That in Mind." Which is another way of saying, "Not yet."

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