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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Police Brutality

The news lately has been dealing with the police killing of the African American man, George Floyd. It's amazing, the video. The police officer had his knee on the man's neck for about eight minutes. The independent autopsy has listed the cause of death as asphyxiation.

No doubt that without the video, the officer would not have been fired, and he surely would not have been charged with third degree murder. Yet, the story is not over. As people found out in the Rodney King incident, even with a video that seems to seal the deal on a guilty verdict, there is a lot more to come once the defense lawyers dig into the case.

But I think the defense attorneys will have a tougher time than in the King case because the prosecutors now are more savvy to what is needed. The verdict will hopefully change some long-standing patterns of police departments.


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