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Sunday, April 28, 2019

More Interesting Words

Here are some more words from the book, The Bibliophile's Dictionary: 2,054 Masterful Words and Phrases:

--Irenic (eye RIH nik) adj. Conciliatory; preferring peace or moderation.

--Lapidary (LA puh DER ee) n. A person who cuts and polishes stones or gems. 3. adj. worthy of engraving in stone (e.g., lapidary prose).

--Farrago (fuh RAH go) n. A medley; a jumple; a hodgepodge.

--Risible (RI zuh buhl) adj. capable of or inclined to laughing, 2. causing laughter, 3. associated with laughter.

--Megillah (muh GI luh) n. 2. a long, tediously detailed or embroidered account; a complicated story, frequently in the phrase "the whole megillah."

--Ethereal (i THIR ee uhl) adj. of or like the ether, or upper regions of space, 2. highly refined; delicate; light; airy, 3. heavenly.


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