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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

"It's All About Mental Health, Not the Guns," He Said

I just read an article at concerning the recent Texas shooting. It's about the president's view on the shooting. He said the mass shooting in no way relates to guns; it has to do with "mental illness at the highest level."

As a licensed therapist, I don't see that. In fact, I'm not entirely clear on what he means. Does he mean because we have so many mentally ill people in our country that is why we have all these shootings? Or, if we had a better mental health system, there would be less of these mass shootings?

I guess a lot could be said on the intersection of mental illness and gun violence, but I think any time a country has over 300 million firearms, people are gonna get shot--a lot. It could make the average person feel, as the joke goes, like a hemophiliac in a razor blade factory.


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