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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Heat May Keep on Coming

I read an interesting--and shocking--article at titled, "Parts of Asia May Be Too Hot for People by 2100." The title sounded like something in one of the tabloids, something akin to "Vampires Learning to Steal Identities from Cyberspace with the Help of Al Gore and Richard Simmons." Yet, being from National Geographic, it does command attention.

One quote captures the warning of the article: "Unless carbon emissions are curtailed, climate change may expose 1.5 billion people in South Asia to potentially lethal heat and humidity in the near future." And one quote captures the takeaway of the article. "Emission cuts will make a big difference in the lives of the most vulnerable people in the region. This is not an abstract concept," said [Elfaith] Eltahir [MIT professor of environmental engineering].


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