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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Some Random Thoughts

I was just thinking (not to sound like the late Andy Rooney) about some of the people who could qualify as "seers" or "prophets," those who have seen deeper into some of the dynamics of our American society.

Some individuals come to mind.

Rollo May, for one. A great therapist and an eloquent writer, he seemed to be one of the few who could perceive much that was subterranean in our society, and state it clearly. I think there are a number of academics who see various aspects of our contemporary society with clarity, but most can't state it so the average lay person could take it in. But May, especially in his work, The Cry for Myth, shows us some of the ways our society ticks.

And I would sum up his message simply as, "America's god is money." Which may remind some people of William James's famous statement concerning success in America (the bitch-goddess, success).

The older I get, the more I agree with May and James.


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