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Friday, April 28, 2017

Hiding in Plain Sight

I just read an excellent article by E.J. Dionne Jr. in The Washington Post titled, "Trump's greatest single achievement almost never gets mentioned." And what is that achievement? It is "whether Russia colluded with Trump's campaign to help elect him."

Great point. Maybe as some have said, we are living in the age of the spectacle. That is, little stays in the public eye for long. Just a few months ago it was the key topic discussed by columnists in newspapers. I thought (maybe naively) it would never go away, that it couldn't go away. It seemed that there were so many angles to the story that it would be solidly faceted in the news for many months. Well, I was mistaken.

But there is some light. As Dionne says, "Fortunately, as John Adams taught us, facts are stubborn things, and the Russia story cannot be suppressed forever. Indeed, there was progress on Tuesday when--in a display of bipartisanship that is truly astounding at this moment--Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) of the House Oversight Committee jointly asserted that [Michael] Flynn [Trump's first national security adviser] may have violated the law by not fully disclosing his Russian business dealings when seeking a security clearance."

Former President Nixon said, "If the president does it, it's not illegal." It might be deja vu all over again.


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