Blog Archive

Monday, August 29, 2022

Some Words

I just felt like writing down some words and definitions.

1. disport v. To amuse.

2. glossophobia n. Fear of public speaking.

3. lout n. An awkward, foolish person.

4. plutomania n. An excessive pursuit of wealth.

5. gibe n. An aggressive remark directed at someone.

6. salad days n. A period of youth and inexperience.

7. mauve n. A moderate purple.

8. oenology n. The study of winemaking. 

9. mitzvah n. A good act done out of religious duty.

10. chalice n. A bowl-shaped cup.

11. Emerald City n. Seattle.

12. vexillology n. The study of flags.

13. raillery n. Good-natured ridicule; banter.

14. sticky wicket n. A difficult, awkward or uncertain situation.

15. iftar n. The meal after a day's fast during Ramadan.


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