Blog Archive

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Just Some Words

Here are some interesting words that I had written down and defined:

1. hamartia n. (ha-mar-TEE-uh) A tragic flaw.

2. toothsome adj. (TOOTH-suhm) 1. delicious. 2. agreeable; pleasant. 3. sexually attractive.

3. nudnik n. (NOOD-nik) A boring pest.

4. merry-andrew n. (MER-ee AN-droo) A clown.

5. mendacious adj. (men-DAY-shuhs) Telling lies, especially habitually.

6. klatsch n. (klach) A casual gathering of people for chatting.

7. incult adj. (in-KULT) Rude; uncultured.

8. tub-thumper n. (TUB-thum-puhr) A noisy promoter or speaker.

9. hayseed n. (HAY-seed) An unsophisticated person who comes from the country.

10. Kilkenny cats n. (kil-KEN-ee kats) People who fight to their death.


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