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Sunday, October 18, 2020

More Dark Money

 I have been reading the book I mentioned in the last post, Dark Money. The book is exceedingly well-researched and is written in a conversational style. What amazes me from reading the book is how much goes on behind the scenes, and by "behind the scenes" I mean how much news doesn't get in the spotlight.

Also I'm amazed by how much those with lots of money can do besides doing their day-to-day job. For instance, Charles Koch is written about extensively in the book and he seems to always be opening some non-profit, giving away large sums of money, or traveling the world lecturing while being a CEO of one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Yet, I think it's closer to the truth to say the former things are his job. His primary job, it seems, is making money. Being a CEO comes second to these more profitable endeavors. 


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