Blog Archive

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Separated at the Border

 In the news recently I read that almost 550 children had still not been reunited with their parents when the families were separated at the border a few years ago. And even more shocking to me is that the Trump administration, years after the separation, wanted to wash their hands Pilate-style and not worry about identifying and reaching out to families it separated before June 2018.

I sense, to some degree, this will play a part in bringing down Trump. I think even some of his supporters will read about this and see it for what it was--an attempt on the part of Trump to make some of his base happy and to do it at any cost. Even the cost of damaging the lives of innocent children.



Sunday, October 18, 2020

More Dark Money

 I have been reading the book I mentioned in the last post, Dark Money. The book is exceedingly well-researched and is written in a conversational style. What amazes me from reading the book is how much goes on behind the scenes, and by "behind the scenes" I mean how much news doesn't get in the spotlight.

Also I'm amazed by how much those with lots of money can do besides doing their day-to-day job. For instance, Charles Koch is written about extensively in the book and he seems to always be opening some non-profit, giving away large sums of money, or traveling the world lecturing while being a CEO of one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Yet, I think it's closer to the truth to say the former things are his job. His primary job, it seems, is making money. Being a CEO comes second to these more profitable endeavors. 


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Dark Money

 I have been reading the excellent book by Jane Mayer of The New Yorker. It's called Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. This is an area I've read about before, but the depth on the topic in this book is truly amazing, and what I find more amazing is just how beautifully the book flows. It's probably not always easy to make certain parts of this story interesting, but she sure does.

What I have learned is the phenomenal part the Koch brothers have played in making politics more about big money than anything else. So many people say that there is too much money in politics, yet few realize what--and who--is at the root of the problem.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Trump and COVID

 Recently it was announced that the president has the coronavirus. This is truly a case of pride coming before a fall, or the equivalent notion, of hubris bringing on a downfall, as is talked about at length in Greek mythology.

It will be interesting to see how Trump's most committed followers react to the news. Right now there is just silence, and some crickets. 

I have a feeling it will be like what is talked about in the book When Prophecy Fails. That is, his most fervent followers will become even more fervent, because they will, somehow, see the president's coronavirus as just part of Trump's part in bringing about God's kingdom.
