Blog Archive

Monday, March 2, 2020

Working in New Orleans

I have been working on some opinion pieces dealing with the poverty I see on a daily basis in New Orleans. The more I see the more surprised I am. I'm surprised there are not more programs to stand in the gap and at least help some of these people get started on the road to a better life. The thing that always comes to mind is that there are little to no services for middle-aged people who have a physical and/or mental disorder. I could imagine going to an average small town of 50,000 people and looking for resources to help this group and finding more than New Orleans offers.

No doubt I don't know of some places that are available, but if these places are available they seem to be flying under the radar. I keep thinking that the city brings in a lot of money from our hotel and motel tax--a lot of money--and, to my knowledge, little of it goes to the city's social programs. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.


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