Blog Archive

Monday, October 28, 2019

Some More Words

Here are some additional words where I like the sounds:

1. Armistice n. (AHR-muh-stis) A truce.

2. Confederate n. (kuhn-FED-er-it) An ally.

3. Flotilla n. (floh-TIL-uh) 1. A naval unit, 2. An indefinite large number.

4. Bulwark n. (BOOL-werk) A defensive wall.

5. Rapprochement n. (rap-rohsh-MAHN) Cordial relations.

6. Horripilation n. (haw-rip-uh-LEY-shuh) Goose bumps.

7. Diwali n. (dih-WAH-lee) A Hindu festival held in honor of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Depression Cure

In another post I wrote about the excellent book, The Depression Cure, by Stephen Ilardi, PhD. I am taking my time with this book because a lot of it I've come across in my own reading. Yet, the book really helps me put definitive parameters around many treatments (e.g., how much sunlight to get per day?, how much omega-3 fatty acids?, etc.).

Depression, I believe, is more common than commonly thought. Especially low-level depression.

I see depression as something that once you have you then feel life will never be the same. It's true. But as the writer and therapist Thomas Moore has said, depression has a way of seasoning a person, possibly in a way nothing else can.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Some New Words

Here are some words I got from the October Reader's Digest. Most of these words I didn't know.

1. Lollapalooza n. (lah-luh-puh-LOO-zuh) An outstanding example.

2. Schemozzle n. (shuh-MAH-zuhl) A confused situation.

3. Cozy n. (COH-zee) A teapot cover.

4. Rebozo n. (rih-BOH-zoh) A long scarf.

5. Foozle v. (FOOH-zuhl) To mess up; make a mistake.

6. Cocozelle n. (kah-kuh-ZEH-lee) A type of zucchini.

7. Sozzled adj. (SAH-zuhld) Intoxicated.


Monday, October 7, 2019

Me and Nostradamus

Maybe me and Nostradmus have something in common. I jest, but I do think there is a good chance I will be proven right concerning Trump. That is, I had predicted Trump would not make it through his first term, and it was beginning to look like I was surely wrong, but the tide has changed. With impeachment proceedings taking place, and Trump becoming more unhinged as the days go by (I have a feeling he's going to blame the Ukraine call not just on Rick Perry, but Rick James), the future for him looks grim.

Why did I think Trump would fall before his term ended? Because of reading the book Trump Revealed. There were so many immoral and illegal acts committed by Trump in the past, that even if he became like a boy scout, it was likely past events would raise their ugly heads.

As they say, time will tell. And its been telling.
