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Friday, June 7, 2019

Good Book on the Food Industry

I am reading a book that has been a pleasure to read. It's called, Scientific Advances Regarding: Sugar, Salt, and Fat, by Gina Willett, Ph.D., R.D., and I bought it at a continuing education class I attended last year.

Her thesis is that the food industry has so orchestrated modern-day food that it's harder than most people think to eat in a rational, temperate manner. And she argues that there are studies that show the more one eats highly-processed foods, the less control one has over one's appetite. From my experience, this is spot-on.

As of late, I have been eating less unhealthy foods. I am finding that I am not craving those foods as much since I changed my eating and I am not as prone to binging on sweets late at night.


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