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Monday, March 18, 2019

The NRA and the Long, Slow Refrain of "I'm Melting!"

Recently in the news a breakthrough came for gun-control advocates. There is a case in Connecticut that will be heard concerning the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. It will center around the firearm used by the killer, Adam Lanza, and whether the manufacturer, Remington, specifically marketed it to troubled youth, like Adam Lanza.

Though, the most exciting news related to this story, for me at least, is that the companies may have to make their internal communications known during the trial. I think the truth will unfold once these documents are shown to the masses.

When the cigarette companies had to show their hands, they eventually found themselves eviscerated. I think the same thing will happen to the firearms manufacturers. Yet, the fight might even be more robust than what happened with the cigarette companies; the reason is, the NRA will levy all their muscle to mitigate any change against the status quo.  And by "muscle" I mean funds, fundraising, and lobbying.

Those three things that are attempting to eviscerate our democracy.


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