Blog Archive

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Some Hope

I have been reading Elizabeth Warren's two recent books, both of which mix memoir with political commentary. It does give me hope that she is now starting her campaign for the next presidential election. I thought there was slim chance that Trump by now would have been out of office. But I do think with the report from Mueller coming out soon, that should be the beginning of the end. I hope I am not wrong.

But I do feel optimistic that better things are ahead. But things will likely have to get worse before they get better.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

My Battery is Low and It's Getting Dark

I am not into "space stuff" as much as I'd like to be. Yet, the recent ending of the last of the two Mars rovers, Opportunity, was something that pulled me in and transfixed me.

The Spirit and the Opportunity were to only last about 90 days (in Mars' days), but the last one survived for about 15 years. And the last message received from it--I have heard different things as to whether these were the exact words--was "My battery is low and it's getting dark." That sentence has touched many people. I think it has to do with how we all sense our end will be. Maybe the very end of our lives has that two-step process. A nebulous sign of ending and then a less-nebulous sign of ending.

And then, as the great religions teach, maybe another dimension of existence. I tend to agree with what Vladimir Nabokov said, "Life is a great surprise. I do not see why death should not be a greater one."


Monday, February 11, 2019

On Inequality and Its Discontents

I have been reading diligently on the topic of economic inequality in the United States. It has been, at times, eye-opening. A number of things I had already come across before, but one thing that I've read in two places is that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce plays a big part in keeping the wheels of inequality chugging along. For instance, the Chamber has been involved in a number of situations where they have worked against antismoking laws in other countries. I thought the Chamber was a sleepy little organization that had monthly luncheons and speakers talking about municipal bonds, with half the audience falling asleep in their martinis. Not quite.

I didn't realize the 1 percent had so many tentacles with which to crush the opponents of their desires.

I am learning.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Gut and Brain

It seems as though there are more and more studies being done related to the microbiome and mental health. Ten years ago the connection between the two would have seemed ludicrous. Now various strands of evidence are tying in the two. I know many psychological studies state implicitly or explicitly that their study may break open great possibilities in healing the psyche.

Yet, in this particular area, I think a number of these studies may.
