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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Understanding the Trump Era

I just read a good article titled, "9 essential lessons from psychology to understand the Trump era." It was published in Vox and written by Brian Resnick. It gave me more information on--and I'm still shocked he won--how Trump pulled out a presidential victory. Maybe it's sour grapes, but I want to find out all the psychology behind his win.

Some of the points noted include,

--"[R]ooting for a team changes your perception of the world."

--"Evolution has likely left us with an ideological immune system that fights off uncomfortable thoughts."

--"Leaders like Trump have enormous power to sway public opinion."

--"People can understand inconvenient facts. But it's very hard to make them matter."

I reason that knowing how the hat trick was pulled off, might mitigate us getting fooled again.


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