Blog Archive

Monday, March 26, 2018

The NRA and Their Comeuppance

The NRA, in the wake of the March for Our Lives, is now less of a powerful, monolithic organization. The day has finally arrived that their foundation is starting to crack, and with that cracking, we will probably see a lot of loose-cannon responses. The first one appears to be the comment that the students from Florida are just the puppets of those who really hate the NRA and all of the good things it stands for.

The NRA has maybe met its match. And the other loose cannon, President Trump, I believe, has surely met his match in the Mueller investigation.

Two powerful entities that will be strangled slowly, albeit not without a dumpster-fire-like fight.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Closer to Home

Lately, in my work as a therapist, I'm seeing more people who are having, what some might call, financial struggles. When I hear the term "financial struggles," I think of families barely making it from paycheck to paycheck, but most of the situations I'm seeing are more severe. Of course, an outsider can't know with certainty if someone is telling you the truth, but these stories seem to be generally on target.

In any case, the point I wanted to make is that many policies that are coming out of Washington are surely not in the best interests of these struggling people. One could respond, "Well, hasn't it always been that way?" Well, that's true, to some extent.

But the reasonable response is to make it as "untrue" as possible.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Chaos? Anathema!

Recent happenings in the White House have led some to believe all is not well. Yet, the president has said there is "no chaos."

I found that interesting. With the number of departures recently at the White House, it is hard to believe there is anything but chaos there. It reminds me of dysfunctional work places I have read about (or experienced). Almost anything said from administration is taken to be spin, or a lie. Indeed, whatever is said at these places, the truth is usually the opposite of what is stated.

Trump and his administration are riding straight toward that big iceberg (i.e., Mueller investigation), and Trump is laughing and shouting "Full Steam Ahead."

When the ship sinks, there will be a massive amount of debris.

Flotsam galore.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Crack in the Facade

After the recent Parkland, Florida, high school shooting, some might wonder if things will change politically. That is, as far as gun policy is concerned.

I believe so.

I don't think things will change so much, necessarily, by having teenagers and young people directly causing the change. But sometimes, one thing, almost invisibly triggers other things. It's  just an intuition, but I think this could be the thing.

The only reason I can give is that the NRA appeared to be thrown off balance recently by the students from the Parkland high school. That may be the first real tearing down of the NRA's Potemkin village.
