Blog Archive

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Good Words

I'm taking a page from a good website that is no longer in existence, Vocabula Review. They had a section called, I believe, Good Words, or something similar. I would like to share some words I've come across that I like (yet, truth be told, most slightly-off-the-beaten-path words I find interesting).

--Plenitude n. (PLEN-i-tood) 1. Abundance, 2. The state of being full or complete.

--Suspiration n. (suhs-puh-REY-shuh n) A long, deep sigh.

--Escadrille n. (es-kuh-DRIL) A French squadron of aircraft.

--Rapprochement n. (rap-rohsh-MAHN) An establishing or reestablishing of good relations.

--Preta n. (PREY-tuh) A wandering or disturbed ghost.

--Perspicuous adj. (per-SPIK-yoo-uhs) Clearly expressed; lucid.

--Aberrant adj. (AB-er-ent) 1. Departing from the right, normal, or usual course, 2. Abnormal; exceptional. n. An aberrant person, thing, group, etc.

--Moira n. (MOI-ruh) A person's fate or destiny.

--Bedizen v. (bih-DAHY-zuh n) To dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner.


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