Blog Archive

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Highly-Neglected Saga of the Burrito Attack

I recently read an interesting--and funny--story. Taken from The Advocate newspaper (1.24.18) I learned that in the workplace, anything can happen. Even battery with a burrito. "A Taco Bell employee angry about working the morning shift is accused of attacking a co-worker with a hot burrito."

Now I've heard of unusual altercations in the workplace, but I've never been privy to the attack of an employee with the weapon being a scalding flour tortilla folded around a filling.

What basically happened was the employee continued to complain about his work fate, "and kept getting into arguments with other colleagues, when she [a worker] told him to 'stop being a crybaby.'"

This irked the grousing employee who thereby "slung" a hot burrito at the other employee. The recipient of the hot projectile said "that when he [the burrito-wielding employee] threw the burrito, the melted cheese got all over her left arm and went all down her left side and leg."

The highlight of my workday was trying to disentangle three paperclips.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

More Nice-Sounding Words

Some other words I like:

--Impecunious adj. (im-pi-KYOO--nee uh s) Penniless; poor.

--Iniquitous adj. (ih-NIK-we-tuh s) Unjust; wicked.

--Inveigle v. (in-VEY-guh l) To entice by flattery or artful talk.

--Irenic adj. (ahy-REN-ik) Tending to promote peace or reconciliation.

--Jobbernowl n. (JOB-uh-nowl) A blockhead; a fool.

--Kabuki n. (kah-BOO-kee) Done for show only; make-believe.

--Katzenjammer n. (KAT-suhn-jam-er) Anguish; distress.

--Kibitz v. (KIB-its) To talk to someone in a relaxed, friendly way.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Good Words

I'm taking a page from a good website that is no longer in existence, Vocabula Review. They had a section called, I believe, Good Words, or something similar. I would like to share some words I've come across that I like (yet, truth be told, most slightly-off-the-beaten-path words I find interesting).

--Plenitude n. (PLEN-i-tood) 1. Abundance, 2. The state of being full or complete.

--Suspiration n. (suhs-puh-REY-shuh n) A long, deep sigh.

--Escadrille n. (es-kuh-DRIL) A French squadron of aircraft.

--Rapprochement n. (rap-rohsh-MAHN) An establishing or reestablishing of good relations.

--Preta n. (PREY-tuh) A wandering or disturbed ghost.

--Perspicuous adj. (per-SPIK-yoo-uhs) Clearly expressed; lucid.

--Aberrant adj. (AB-er-ent) 1. Departing from the right, normal, or usual course, 2. Abnormal; exceptional. n. An aberrant person, thing, group, etc.

--Moira n. (MOI-ruh) A person's fate or destiny.

--Bedizen v. (bih-DAHY-zuh n) To dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Some Quotes for the New Year

Just some interesting and/or humorous thoughts:

--Where there's a will, there's a relative.    Ricky Gervais

--The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.     Unknown

--Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.     Will Rogers

--No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while, you'll see why.                                 Mignon McLaughlin

--Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper.  Robert Frost

--Time is a great teacher, but it kills all of its students.     Hector Berlioz
