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Monday, June 26, 2017

Cults and Stuff

I just read an interesting article at It was titled, "How totalism works," and it was written by Alexandra Stein (June 20, 2017). The article talks about the writer's time in a political cult called The Organization (The O). The writer got involved in the Minneapolis-based group because the group said it worked for social justice; yet there appeared to be little that could be called social or justice in this group.

She talked about the leader being essentially a maniacal control freak. It did remind me of a documentary I saw on Jim Jones, the leader of the Peoples Temple. Both appeared as severely narcissistic and adept at using fear and threats to keep people in line.

The article is well written and does a great job of tying attachment theory in with cult members. Her personal experience may have given her insight one cannot get through academic study alone.


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