President Trump appears to be in hot water and the water keeps getting hotter. It seems like they are starting to come at him from various angles, with a new one added just recently--former F.B.I. director Robert S. Mueller III. Mr. Mueller has been appointed special counsel investigating Russia's ties to the Trump campaign.
Only four months into his presidency and only forty-four months to go. But President Trump, I think, will not make it. He will be impeached. The writing, as they say, is on the wall. Others say, the writing on the wall can sometimes be a forgery.
Well, it doesn't appear to be in this case. What Trump had going for him as a businessman, as an entertainer, and as a campaigner, was that he could say the wildest things and get away with it. The reason being is, he was always playing in the court of public opinion. But in the not-too-distant future, he will be playing in a different court. And they don't offer much leeway.
But after that, the public will make the final determination. And like Nixon, I think Trump's options will be very few.