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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Nostradamus in Tweed

It is amazing what President Trump recently said about him winning the popular vote for the presidency. He said he would have won the popular vote if it were not for all the illegal voters. Yet he has provided no evidence.

And it is good to see other Republicans pointing out that what he is saying is ludicrous without any solid evidence.

Yet, this does seem to fit in with the notion that we are in a post-factual society.

And I think Neil Postman, the media critic, had predicted this sort of phenomenon in his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death. One point he stressed was that politics, largely because of the medium of TV, is now seen as entertainment. He talked about this when an actor became president (i.e., Ronald Reagan).

Our current president would be a fulfillment of what he predicted.

Politics becoming entertainment: who else could better represent that than the celebrated reality-TV star, Donald Trump (now President Trump).

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