I'm back with some short, good writing. Mainly phrases.
--"An accident isn't necessarily ever over." Diane Williams
--"Despite the disdain..." Colleen J. Shogan
--"a glass lifted to lips for a sip of water" Victoria Redel
--"creating a kind of kaleidoscopic interiority". Annie DeWitt
--"We learn by going where we have to go." Theodore Roethke
--"On a scale of safe-looking to scary-looking, Egg Roll Hut is Ron Perlman." A. Laussade
--"I was totally unprepared for the expanse of time it left behind." Jenny Allen
--"The iniquity of oblivion." W.G. Sebald
--"On every new thing there lies already the shadow of annihilation." W.G. Sebald
--"and possesses ample upper-body upholstery" Donna Britt
--her "physical presence is what struck me" Donna Britt