Blog Archive

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Mr. Trump, Again

It seems like Mr. Trump is getting more nervous as voting day approaches. His comments and his rallies are now becoming more racist and xenophobic. He's trying to pull anything he can out of his bag of tricks, and those tricks tend to be more of the same--America used to be a great place, but non-WASPs have made it a hellscape.

With a number of major trials breathing down his neck, he doubly needs to be back in political office. 

Though, I think he won't end up in the Oval Office. It will be more like a rectangular cell.


Monday, October 21, 2024

Micro Stories

I have been writing very short flash fiction as of late and trying to get it published. Hopefully I will get some into some magazines.

I have continued to enjoy the flash fiction/microfiction stories of Lydia Davis. I like her style and my writing follows closely upon hers. Some of the experimental flash fiction I have read has not resonated with me because it starts getting into poetry and it doesn't have much semblance of a story for me (even what I would call, and accept, as a "meaningless" story).


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mr. Trump

It appears, as of late, former President Trump is escalating his rhetoric against immigrants. In other words, former Pres. Trump is fearing that he will lose the upcoming presidential election.

His personality appears to be breaking down even further than it has and he continues to do what he's always done--separate groups of people and benefit off that separation.

I think he's never gotten over Pres. Biden dropping out the race and now he, Mr. Trump, has to face a younger, more formidable foe.

Things are not boding well for Mr. Trump's mental health.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today I just wanted to list some words and definitions that I've been looking at:

--zenith n. the pinnacle; acme.

--coulrophobia n. the fear of clowns.

--clement adj. 1. lenient. 2. mild.

--intemperance n. self-indulgence.

--JOMO n. Joy of missing out.

--self-possessed adj. composed; poised.

--popinjay n. a person given to pretentious displays and empty chatter.

--proselyte n. a convert.

--Delphic adj. ambiguous; obscure.

--stellate adj. start-shaped.

--persiflage n. light, bantering talk or writing.

--derogate v. to put down or belittle.

--shadchan n. a matchmaker.

--heimish adj. homey; unpretentious.

--Lorelei n. a dangerously seductive woman.

--mumpish adj. sullen; silent; depressed.

--duck soup n. something that is very easy to do.



Wednesday, October 2, 2024


I have been enjoying the nicer weather in the New Orleans area. It is a nice reprieve from the oppressive heat. 

It does make it easier to get through the day when the heat index is not 115 degrees.
