Blog Archive

Monday, July 29, 2024

A Change

An interesting change has happened in politics. Joe Biden has stepped down from his presidential run and Kamala Harris has taken his place.

This is a wonderful move for the Democratic Party, Democrats, and for the country. I do think this will be enough to make sure Trump doesn't get anywhere near the Oval Office. 

It is too early to celebrate. Yet, it is stunning and wonderful news.


Monday, July 15, 2024

About Trump

It is amazing to see Donald Trump still making headway to being our next president. I guess the good and right don't always win out--at least not in the short term.

In the long term it may be different. It will be interesting to see how the assassination attempt on Trump's life will play out. Will it change him? Will it change most of his supporters?


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More Words

Here are some more interesting words I've come across:

--octet n. 

--keen n. A wailing lament for the dead.

--snatched adj.

--apace adv.

--rakehell n.

--glabrous adj.

--feinschmecker n.

--horndog n.

--mochalla n.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Some Interesting Words

Here's another segment of me sharing words that aren't seen a lot in writing:





--malign adj.

--trippingly adv.

--hue and cry

--cracker-barrel adj.

--lentitude n.

--balsam n.

--padawan n.

--Luddite adj.

--Erewhonian adj.

--spawn n.

--eustress n.

--unputdownable adj.

--asinine adj.

--edgelord n.
