Blog Archive

Sunday, April 28, 2024

About Drumming

Have enjoyed a new website related to drumming. It's called the The Drum Professor. The teacher is excellent and teaches the material is an incremental fashion.

I bought his introductory video and found it well done. And he seems to have many YouTube videos online where he goes through key parts of popular songs.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Feeling Better

I have been feeling more energetic and better. It does seem the probiotics are helping. At least I hope so, but the placebo effect is still welcomed.

It is interesting to think about all the things that go into how one feels. Sleep, exercise, the weather, hormones, the amount of leisure, meaning in one's life, etc.



Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Feeling rather harried. It seems I am not good (I knew this already) with sundry paperwork and administrative minutiae. 

It doesn't seem to get much easier as I get's older. Luckily I have less of it as I get older.


Monday, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse

There was not much to see concerning the solar eclipse in Greater New Orleans. The sky was cloudy, but it did get a bit darker.

Though, the build-up to the solar eclipse was exciting. Maybe next time around.


Monday, April 1, 2024


I just wanted to write something today on my blog. I saw it was about two weeks since I wrote anything.

I'm not sure what to say beyond what I've said. More will come to me in time.
