Blog Archive

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Flash Fiction

I was just reading some flash fiction and thinking about writing some. I have written some and found it rewarding. Though, what I wrote might be better called "microfiction" or "hint fiction." These terms represent fiction that is extremely short--maybe 50 words of less.

Flash fiction seems to capture the periodic absurdity of life.


Monday, April 17, 2023

Mr. Thomas

I just wanted to post, but I have nothing to say (some would say that sums up a lot of my previous posts).

One thought, though, did come to mind. Clarence Thomas. One would think because of recent disclosures, that his days on the Supreme Court are numbered. But the powers that be will not go gently into that night.

But we will see.


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Trump, Again

Trump's Judgement Day seems to be within our ken. There will many--and mighty--gesticulations on the former president's part (especially through his highly-paid legal proxies).

But, ultimately, they will be a tale told by an idiot, signifying, well...nothing.

The _____________ (fill in the blank--Revolution, D-Day, Judgement Day) will be televised.
