Blog Archive

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Maybe Answers in Nutritional Supplements

I was reading a book I believe I have mentioned in a past post. And the book, on vitamins, minerals, and herbs, had a shockingly large number of amino acids, herbs, and foods that play a part in limiting hunger and therefore possibly limiting weight gain.

And aside from just a few that have been in the news, most of them are not known by most people. I hope to write on some of them in upcoming posts.


Sunday, November 13, 2022

On Obesity

I came across a theory that I had never heard of--Protein Leverage Theory. It says that the body is designed to eat a certain amount of protein and if that body/person does not get that amount, the person will keep eating (i.e., fats and carbs) until the amount is reached. 

And the authors of this theory suggest because our Western diet is made up primarily of ultra-processed foods, and there is little protein in those type of foods, the body will continue eating until the proper level of protein is reached. Consequently, that is why there is an obesity epidemic.

I hope to read more about this theory. It sounds intriguing. 


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Trump in 2024

I knew, and no doubt many others did too, that at some point Trump would be challenged in the same manner he has treated his opponents. 

The one who has stepped into that position is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. This was recently seen in the news and I think Trump will not be able to use the same tactics he did in his first run for president. He has made too many enemies in the interim.
