Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Satan's Lair

A friend of mine said he thinks liberalism may be from Satan. I was shocked. As far as politics go, I always saw this friend as a moderate and maybe a bit to the right. But that was years ago. It seems algorithms and Mr. Trump have gotten to him.

It has inspired me to look into the work of Jonathan Haidt, Phd. He has written on the differences between conservatives and liberals and what deeper values each holds dear.

I"m  sure both sides would say that times have changed.


Monday, September 19, 2022

Trump's Comeuppance

I was reading a story about Jeffrey Epstein and it talked about how Epstein had evaded getting caught for having sex with multiple teenage girls. He used his great wealth and the legal system as his primary tools.

Finally, of course, he was caught. It made me think of another person who has used his wealth and the legal system to keep the law at bay--former President Donald Trump.

What happened to Epstein, I believe, will happen to Trump. Ultimately he will behind bars. In Trump's case, it's just taking a little longer.


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Just Some Interesting Quotes

Here they are:

--It is the theory that decides what can be observed.                           Albert Einstein

--Choas often breeds life, when order breeds habit.                         Henry Adams

--Every dogma has his day.                                                               Abraham Rotstein

--Three things are good in little measure and evil in large: yeast, salt and hesitation.  

                                                                                                            The Talmud

--City life--millions of people being lonesome together.        Henry David Thoreau

--The mob has many heads but no brains.       Thomas Fuller

--All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

                                                                                                    Leo Tolstoy


Monday, September 5, 2022

Trump Again in the Limelight

Former president Trump is in the headlines again. It seems like the heat keeps getting turned up on him and he is getting more and more agitated with the rising mercury.

I do feel a bit like Nostradamus. I sensed this would happen. And, indeed, I was hoping for it.

I think Dr. Bandy Lee, who has written much about the psychological make-up of the former president, is right when she suggests that Trump will act more chaotically and violently as he is being pinned down. The day is drawing nigh. 
