Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Climate-Change Information

I have been trying to learn more about climate change. There does seem a lot to learn but I sense the basics are not that difficult to get under one's belt.

Here are some things I took from a short monograph, "Climate Crisis 101":

--It defines "climate change" as "the changes scientists have seen in long-term temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns, thanks to higher levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere" (p.3).

--"Carbon dioxide is the chief culprit, but other gases like methane also play a dangerous role. These gases upset the natural systems that regulate our climate and lead to more extreme weather" (p. 6).

--"Just as the tobacco industry once attempted to confuse the public about the link between smoking and cancer, Big Polluters like oil and coal companies have spent decades running well-funded campaigns to mislead and deceive the public about what's really happening to the planet" (p.8).

--We need to ultimately shift to clean energy technologies like solar and wind. (p. 6)

It was a well-written and easy-to-read article. I'm sure big oil doesn't care for it.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Late Bloomers

It was heartwarming to read another story about late bloomers in the career search. It is about the Australian writer, Bryce Courtenay.

Here is a quote about him from the book, Writing is a Verb, by Bill O'Hanlon:

 Courtenay says that since he didn't start writing until he was in his fifties and he has so many books to        write, he writes eight months of the year and works twelve hours a day, six days a week until he finishes   the book he's working on.

That can be a prod to many of us in our 50s, 60s, or later.


Sunday, April 10, 2022

More on Unions

I have been fascinated reading about unions. I think the decline of unions--and the aggressive campaign to limit unions by many businesses and the 1%--is one of the main reasons we have such economic inequality in the U.S. Not the only reason, but one of the main reasons.

It does seem like the tide is changing. And the younger generations have played a big part in that--and that bodes well for the future.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022


I'm continuing to read about unions and their great importance in mitigating inequality. I guess I knew this intuitively, but now I know viscerally the good that unions have done for America.

I am thankful there finally is a union at an Amazon store (on Staten Island). Maybe the arc of history does indeed bend toward justice.
