I have been reading some material lately by the late Marcus Borg, the religion scholar. I do miss him. I emailed him years back asking a few questions about faith and he wrote me a kind response.
I wrote to him because I think we had similar religious backgrounds. Yet there are some differences. I was heavily involved in Christian fundamentalism as a late teen and young adult and Dr. Borg's Lutheran upbringing overlapped some with conservative thought, but the teachings I was taught was more conservative and rigid.
Another commonality was that we both moved away from conservative teachings. But we are different in that Dr. Borg entered what the philosopher Paul Ricoeur called a second naivete and found a congenial faith; I have, to some extent, entered a second naivete, but the faith I have found has been much more tentative and halting.
In any case, he was a great scholar and a kind man.